Therapeutic Breath

Therapeutic Breath

In Integrative Yogatherapy, therapeutic breathing exercises that stem directly from ancient forms of pranayama (methods of yogic breathing) are taught to the patient.
The exercises are chosen for their specific curative properties, to alleviate the patient's particular physical and/or psychological symptoms.  They are introduced step-by-step, allowing the patient to progress at his/her own pace  

Pranayama as a therapeutic tool is applied in conjunction with Integrative Yogatherapy.

Book your trial session, free of charge!
What is Pranayama?
The practice of pranayama involves breathing patterns in which one inhales, exhales, and retains one's breath in a specific sequence and for specific counts of time.
The effect is both emotionally and psychologically therapeutic, whilst having a positive impact on the physiological functioning of the body, right down to blood circulation and oxygenation, brain function, organ health and lung capacity, just to name a few!

Apart from using specific breathing techniques for specific ailments, pranayama strengthens the connection between mind and body and helps to develop mindfulness. When we are mindful, our thoughts, words and actions become more intentional and therefore are less disturbed by influences from the people and environment around us.
We find an inner peaceful connection that is ever-present, no matter what circumstances we are in!

Benefits of a regular pranayama practice
  • increases energy
  • reduces stress
  • strengthens inner organs
  • oxygenates blood
  • helps with insomnia & sleep disorders
  • improves cardiovascular health
  • reduces risk of hypertension
  • improves lung function
  • helps with depression, anxiety & stress
  • weight loss
  • detoxification
  • strengthens immune system
  • helps with digestive issues
  • fights sinusitis
  • clears nasal passages
  • improves mental concentration
  • improves skin health and complexion

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass by -
It's about learning to dance in the rain!
